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Man Builds Tiny Tree House From Reclaimed Materials And It’s The Coolest Thing Ever

Man Builds Tiny Tree House From Reclaimed Materials And It’s The Coolest Thing Ever

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I think we have to be honest and admit to each other that our planet isn’t doing so great.

With the big problem that is overconsumption, a lot of the Earth’s surface is covered in trash. This not only harms our planet but also puts our health in grave danger.

Luckily, many have come up with creative ways to transform our scraps into something valuable. People are turning discarded materials into everything from art pieces to practical products, truly embodying the phrase one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

A man named Mike decided to do exactly this and build a massive two-story tree house all out of reclaimed and recycled materials.

Take The Old And Make It New

Entrance to tree house that is a bridge
Source: Airbnb

In order to step into this adorable home, you have to cross the magical bridge. Okay, maybe it’s not magical, but it will definitely take you inside!

From there, you will find two staircases. One takes you to a little lounge area, and the other to the main living quarters.

Let’s go to the lounge area first!

Table, chairs and a mini bar on a covered terrace
Source: Airbnb

Placed on a covered terrace with an incredible view of nature, this room will keep you in for as long as possible. And trust me, you won’t complain!

The comfortable chairs and desk along with a mini bar will make sure that you have everything you could ever need. If you get a bit tired and wish to lie down, you can do that too.

Nestled underneath the staircase is a little couch that effortlessly transforms into a bed.

A nap with fresh air and an incredible view?! Sign me up!

Now, let’s go upstairs to the main living area!

Talk About A Dream Vacation

Living room with a black couch and wood on walls
Source: Airbnb

As soon as you step inside and see those incredible windows, you will feel how every ounce of stress evaporates right from your body.

Luckily, the living room has a super comfortable couch located right by a huge window. This is the perfect spot for you to sit down, relax, and read your favorite book!

And boy, a long day full of resting can sure make you hungry. Good thing there is a little kitchen just a few steps away from you!

Small kitchen with full-sized stove and black cabinetry
Source: Airbnb

It might be small, but it has everything you could ever need. With a full stove, a fridge, and plenty of storage, this kitchen will not disappoint.

Whipping up a delicious meal will take just a couple of seconds and washing the dishes will be a breeze.

I mean just imagine putting a nice roast in the oven and waiting for it to be done while taking in that breathtaking view. Amazing! Having a nice place to enjoy that meal is also crucial. Thankfully, this treehouse has you covered!

Dining room with a wooden table and incredible view
Source: Airbnb

In the corner, which is made up of two huge picture windows, you will find your dining table.

Made from the finest wood, this dining setup will make you feel as if you were in one of those fancy restaurants. And don’t even get me started on the view!

Balcony with a view of nature
Source: Airbnb

I don’t know about you, but my friends and I would not speak a single word while having dinner here – we would be too busy trying to spot some adorable deer.

And if you think you need a better look at the scenery beyond the window, feel free to step out onto the balcony and stay there for as long as you need to!

It’s Bedtime

Taking in all of those beautiful views and that delicious food is guaranteed to make you sleepy.

Luckily, this tree house comes with two bedrooms! One of them is located right behind the kitchen and the other one is right next to it. But let’s take a look at the main bedroom.

Tree house master bedroom with two windows
Source: Airbnb

I think we all agree that a good bedroom has to have a lot of natural light. Not only does this make it appear larger, but it also gives off that super cozy feel.

Well, I am happy to announce that this room has two windows. And there are not just any old windows, they are absolutely huge!

So, if you are anything like me and you love watching the stars and night and greeting the sun in the morning, you will absolutely love this room.

Two floor tree house in the middle of a forest
Source: Airbnb

That concludes our tour of this adorable tree house.

And let me just remind you in case you forgot, everything here is made out of reclaimed materials! So, not only is it incredibly cozy, but it has also helped our planet feel better!

Therefore, if you ever get the idea of building your own tree house or just a regular house, why don’t you try doing the same? Oh, and did I mention it will save you money?

Happy building!