We all know that when it comes to big, modern houses that they come in all shapes and colors. But when it’s time for the tiny ones to shine, they are always expected to look pretty similar, kind of the same. Let’s break that stereotype today with this beauty!
This home totally reminds me of a bigger villa, something that expands across a land big time. Yet, magically made smaller. And I love that! Some of us want smaller houses that give of big villa vibes!
First Sign Of Elegance

First thing that adds to the elegance of this home, located in Dillard, Georgia, US, is its surrounding. Miles of green land and some nice trees alongside the house are just perfect.
Of course, I can’t not mention the white walls which make it look so simple yet so put together and modern. Let’s take a look inside and see its interior vibes!
High Ceilings For A Luxurious Feeling

First thing you notice as you come into the living room is all of the space! It seems so big! A big role in that play the light colors of the furniture, which make the area seem even bigger.
The walls of the interior are all white, even the high ceiling! I wasn’t expecting a ceiling this high in a tiny house, maybe this really is a villa!
Elegance Wherever You Turn Your Head

Next to an all-white kitchen, beige carpet and a beige table which also plays as a sitting area, the only color is brought in by a gorgeous couch.
This light green couch seems extremely comfy and is excellent to relax in while watching something fun on the flat-screen TV opposite it. Seeing how cool this place looks, I’m assuming people decorating it watched some architectural and interior design shows on that screen!
Comfiest Looking Bed Ever

My favorite room in this house however is, by far, the bedroom. It feels as if this bedroom has a whole entire soul inside of it. See, that’s what good decor does, gives places a whole personality!
Above the super cozy looking bed are some really unique decorations. It’s hats! They give such a fun look to the room but are also super practical! When you’re getting ready and need that final finish touch just grab a hat that’s close by and you’re good to go!
Around the bed are the gorgeous bedside tables with lamps, perfect for some reading time before sleep! Or, if you’re into journaling, you can write a little something each morning and then keep it hidden inside of that little cabinet!
A Cup Of Coffee By The Window

The entire room is surrounded by windows, which is the best thing ever. You can get so much natural light thanks to it, you will barely need any lamps! And, the view is incomparable. So serene and so beautiful.
In the middle of the room, two big, brown, leather sofas are great for you and your partner to relax in and just appreciate the scenery.
While there’s all this beautiful scenery around, why not have some coffee while enjoying it too? A tiny table and two chairs right next to the window are the absolute best place for that hot, morning coffee or tea.
Excuse Me, Where Did You Get This Gorgeous Vanity?

Last but not least is a bathroom with the coolest mirrors ever! They are circled and surrounded by wood, but that’s not all! The wood is pretty long, and with the reflection of the mirror the entire thing looks like a tube! I’m obsessed with that!
Under the mirror, a lovely olive green cabinet holds enough space for the towels and all of your bathroom essentials. While on top there are two sinks! When you’re getting ready for work in the morning, both you and your partner can brush your teeth and get ready at the same time! How romantic!
Well, this is truly one of those tiny houses that truly calls me right away.
It’s so comfy and cozy! It has just enough elegance and old-school vibe, while still not going too far! I could totally imagine myself living here. Can you?