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Let’s Discover Why Wiser People In Retirement Choose To Live In Tiny Houses

Let’s Discover Why Wiser People In Retirement Choose To Live In Tiny Houses

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Aren’t these tiny houses on wheels stunning? Each one is different and bears the owner’s personal seal. Like this one, decorated with a 12-man Seahawks flag.

Loanne is the owner of this tiny paradise and she lived in Seattle for 23 years before moving to this place. She now lives here with her dog, Bentley, and she calls her house “The Nest”.

There are so many reasons why people choose to live in small spaces like this. For example, the community! Lots of people decide to live in them because of the special connection to the people that have that same lifestyle. 

Also, one of them is that living here is super affordable. “I just retired. I can live on my Social Security here” she said. These days when all prices are so high that they reach the sky, this is very important, especially for people who are no longer working.

The special sound here is given by the roof, made of black metal. As Luanne said  “The sound of rain on the roof is magical”.

Near this tiny house is a shed in the same color. Nice idea! You can store all your not so necessary things there.

Spring is my favorite season, but is there anything more beautiful than a house decorated in the spirit of Christmas? I don’t think so!

It kind of brings me back to my childhood when we were impatiently waiting to open presents. I don’t know which one I like better – the feeling of opening presents or when we snuggle up in a warm blanket, watch movies and drink hot chocolate. 

“Doesn’t this house look comfortable to you?” – was the first thing that came to my mind. 

This space simply exudes peace, warmth and comfort. Isn’t that what makes every house a home? 

A couch with lots of cozy, colorful pillows and a fireplace across from it gives a touch of romance here, too. And did you see the bookshelves? What a great idea for storage, but it also looks nice and unusual!

A huge plus here is a window across the entrance door. That makes the space look larger than it is. Under that window is a small dining/home office area. The small wooden table with two chairs, near the kitchen, can be helpful. You can sit down and rest while you prepare a meal. A handy addition!

Tiny but useful kitchen means only one – enough storage space with minimum cleaning! Can it be better? You can have everything in one place, but you don’t have to clean it for hours.

I would definitely always prefer a wooden kitchen in this case. Forget about having fingerprints all over your cabinets!

A great thing here is the drop sink. There is another piece of countertop that you can throw in the sink to cover it and use the entire counter. So, if you need some extra space, that is very practical

One of the examples of a good used space is definitely the bathroom. This tiny pearl white toilet is located under the spiral stairs.

Small, wooden baskets look so modern. You can put towels and all toiletries there. 

Also, there is a washing machine and a dryer, all in one. Some people don’t like it but I think this is so useful, especially when you don’t have much space.

Here it is – small but cozy paradise. It may seem a little claustrophobic at first, but it’s not at all.There is a lot of space up to the roof, so you don’t worry, you won’t run out of air!

As you can see there is no frame of bed. I like it. There is only comfortable high density foam on the floor.

Life in smaller houses is certainly exciting, especially when there are a lot of people around you who live a similar life. You can rediscover your social life by focusing on what’s really most important in life. Here, the way of living is a hobby, and the perfect way to get closer to people again!