I had to check it twice. Nope, it was still not a bird’s house, no matter how much it reminded me of the one my kids and I made. It was a real house for real people. Small, but still real. And it could fit more than just one person. Where are tiny houses, there’s …
As container homes became popular, we started seeing them much more often, in many places. However, the absolute best locations are the ones in nature, right? The ones surrounded by greenery, where the sun peeks through the trees and brightens up your space. And, where there’s no crowds of people, but only the silent and …
No matter if you are the most adventurous soul or the biggest couch potato out there, a cabin is the perfect place for you. I mean, just think about it! Thanks to its breathtaking surroundings, all my high-energy folks will be able to find something fun to do. And those of us who like to …
Warm sweaters? Check! Rainy day boots? Already on! Good mood for snuggly evenings by the fireplace and energy for hiking around the forest? Yeah, it’s all there. Let this fall’s to-do list start and let’s cross the first thing off of it: staying at a lovely, sparkly cabin in Georgia! What’s That Sparkling In The …
You know what’s one of my favorite pastimes? Listening to music and getting lost in it. Especially when the music is from a completely different period of time! Sometimes it’s the early 2000s music with all those club hits and sometimes it’s the 70s music with Fleetwood Mac blasting on my phone. Whichever era it …
A Cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere sounds like the beginning of every bad horror movie. But, I guess that depends on the cabin because this one here promises the best cozy forest experience! The moment I saw this little cabin on the Skykomish River near Gold Bar, Washington, I knew it …
How much of a party person are you? When I was still in my early twenties, in college, a group of friends decided they wanted to rent a pool house for the weekend and just have fun. I didn’t hang out with any crazy kids. My friends were always so normal and nice. And yes, …
Raise your hand if you like a good ol’ cabin! Even though all hands are raised, I would still like to go over some of the reasons why cabins are so incredible. For starters, they are always located in the most stunning locations ever. Whether it’s next to a lake or hidden in a breathtaking …
When I was a student I was very far from having my own place. It was always some dorm that I would share with my roommates, but I very vividly remember which type of house I imagined living in back then. So you can’t imagine my surprise when I found a tiny home which looks …
The holiday season is, without a doubt, the most magical time of the year. And what better way to spend it than to go on a little adventure up in the mountains with your loved ones. However, for those of us who come from large families, this isn’t such a simple process. Finding a cabin …