I’ve always been a dreamer. Whether it is regular daydreaming or reading some books then getting lost in them, it doesn’t matter, the dreams are there! And of course, as everyone’s does, my dreams sometimes consist of fancy things. Travels, clothes, houses. Actually, modern houses should be first on that list, I simply love them! …
When I see a house on wheels, I think – I can work and be on vacation at the same time. Isn’t that the goal of all of us? These small houses are ideal for unforgettable life adventures. My partner and I, with the whole world at our feet, go from one place to another, …
When I was a fresh student living on campus, I always imagined having my own apartment in the city, close to all the happenings and real life. College was great, but I missed my freedom the most. Oh, how I wished I had a teensy tiny apartment with my own parking space for my old …
Nothing is really as it seems at first glance. When I saw this small house we’re checking out today, I got the vibes of an industrial-style cozy cottage for Gen Zs. Of course, I was wrong. Although the place looks a bit cold and rigid at first, the inside is an absolute contrast! I didn’t …
In the year we’re living in, I feel like there are no more distinguished styles. Everyone’s blending different styles, and approaches, and creating versions they love. The contemporary style has become a blended synergy of modern and older times. It’s a novelty everyone embraced so easily. This container house I’m about to show you is …
Modern-day USA now has a distinguished building style. What used to be two-story homes in the suburbs, now are apartments and single-level houses. The circumstances have changed. Architecture goes in the direction of what the market wants, and the market wants compact, but usable space that takes care of the environment. Things may have switched …
I believe that traveling the world is a form of therapy. Seeing all those beautiful towns and countries, meeting new cultures and people will make you the happiest you have ever been. However, I know that it’s not so simple. From packing your bags, booking your plane tickets and hotels, it can be a bit …
Ten years ago, having a three-bedroom home with spacious common areas, all made of shipping containers was considered impossible. I don’t know a single designer who wanted to try out their luck with building such houses. Fortunately, we already live in the future and today, container houses aren’t just an innovation; they’re becoming an affordable …
Is anyone else getting bored of city life? Don’t you just want to pack your bags and move into a nice little cabin in the mountains? Somewhere peaceful where you can get all the rest you want. I completely understand you, and I have the perfect place for it! This cabin, based in Townsend, Tennessee, …
As I became older, I finally understood why nomads are nomads. The freedom of moving your house anywhere you want it, waking up in a different place every morning, and experiencing the thrill of something new is becoming more logical to me. Traditional nomads still live in deserts of far lands. But, modern nomads are …