How much space is needed for the place to be considered a “paradise”? For me personally, not a lot! I remember when I lived with my parents, my own bedroom was my paradise. All I needed was a space of my own, my comfy bed, a shelf decorated with all the things I love and …
Something I have loved since forever are sitcoms. They have always felt so warm and cozy! I could sit watching TV for hours when they’d start playing when I was a kid. And, not much has changed, I still like to binge them! I’m telling you this because as soon as I saw this house, …
Do you ever just get the urge to cozy up somewhere comfy, away from everyone and everything, and let your body and mind simply rest. While the summertime is a season of going out, traveling, partying and often staying up until the late hours, when it comes to winter, it’s quite often the polar opposite! …
Tiny houses on wheels. THOWs. Each one is different from the other. Although these homes belong in the same, tiny category, every THOW has something incredible to offer. The Huckleberry THOW is not like the others. I know you hear that all the time, but this time it’s the truth. On the outside, it may …
One thing I love about container houses is that once you get a vision of how you want the home to look you can create it so easily and no one would ever guess that it’s made out of a container! Just look at this gorgeous, modern place! Would you ever guess those used to …
Minimalism was never my lifestyle. I always had one too many things and way too much clutter. However, I completely understand people who live this way, with only the necessities, and often in small spaces. I get that because there are days when I want to hide in a tiny house, far away from everyone. …
My obsession with tiny houses continues. However, I believe it has evolved because now I’m looking at houses that aren’t just tiny. I’m looking for those special places that have an X factor, something that makes them stand out. One of those houses came my way and I was just too impressed not to share …
How often do you think to yourself “Oh, I wish I lived in a cute, tiny house. Away from everything, just surrounded by nature and my own peace.”? Quite often, right? Maybe you don’t say those exact words, but the general idea is there. Especially during those busy days, where you feel like the work …
The tiny beauty you just witnessed really exists and it does qualify as a house! I know it may seem too odd to be true, but it really is. A man named Levi Kelly, someone you probably know if you follow tiny houses on YouTube, decided to embark on a journey of building the world’s …
I’ve always had a fascination for grand, stately homes. These architectural marvels are not just houses; they are stories from the past, standing tall with elegance and grace. In the United States, these homes are scattered like hidden gems, each with its own unique charm and history. If you’re as enchanted by these opulent residences …