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Entering This Museum-Like House Will Make You Feel Like You’re An Art Piece Yourself

Entering This Museum-Like House Will Make You Feel Like You’re An Art Piece Yourself

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Many of us are modern home lovers. How could we not be, they are modern for a reason! But, how many of you like the houses to be so modern that they feel like museums?

Just imagine feeling that luxury every single day!

Hmm, I have a day off work today, what shall I do? Oh, I know! I’ll just walk around my house!” That sounds so silly, but it’s what it would feel like!

High ceilings, clean lines, luxurious furniture, are only some of the things adoring this stunning museum-like built. So in case you want to see more of it, and I already know you do, I highly suggest sticking around until the very end!

The Elegant Vibes Of This Room Are Through The Roof

Entering this lovely living area and wow, is it gorgeous! It feels so classy I can almost hear the classical music playing already!

Something this room immediately makes me picture is a little hangout.

living room with a white couch, blue chairs, a cushioned bench, a small table, fireplace and artworks
Credits: Bicubik via Archdaily

A couple of friends, in their nice and fancy attire, gathered together on the white couch, blue chairs and the cushioned bench. I can imagine them chattering and exchanging some laughs with drinks in their hands and snacks on the tiny table in the middle of the room

The built-in fireplace with woods on its left side adds a little bit of coziness to the room. While the art pieces that surround it bring back the elegant vibes. 

An amazing thing is that glass doors are a part of this place on both sides of the room! This means that you would be graced with the most gorgeous views! Very fitting for the already gorgeous house!

How Does Lunch Accompanied By The Sunset Sound

Moving over to the cooking and dining area which I’m absolutely obsessed with!

These floor-to-ceiling windows completely left me in awe! There would always be enough sunlight on these white countertops as you’re making food! 

kitchen and dining room with floor to ceiling windows and white countertops, round dining table surrounded by white chairs
Credits: Bicubik via Archdaily

And when it’s time to eat, just imagine watching the sunset and the beautiful scenery while sitting at the lovely round table! I’d love that so much! I love sunsets, I’d not be leaving this place!

Grab Your Drinks And Relax On The Lovely Terrace

For when you want to enjoy some time a bit closer to the outside, but still closed off in case of ugly weather, a pretty terrace awaits!

terrace with white bench and white chairs and a small white table, and a gray dining table with two benches
Credits: Bicubik via Archdaily

I’d love sitting on that white bench and sipping on cold lemonade, maybe reading some good book too! And in the evening, I could have dinner at the long, gray dining table

Now, I have already talked about this house feeling like a beautiful museum. During the tour now that was confirmed too! But, take a look at this final pic which will make you wonder if this is genuinely a furnished gallery or a museum!

exterior of a modern house surrounded by green land
Credits: Bicubik via Archdaily

Are we seeing this?

This luxury of a haven is truly not something you see very often! When was the last time you saw a house which looks like a museum? It’s not a common occurrence, right?

I don’t know about you but I’m very much eyeing this place! Who wouldn’t want to feel super fancy in a house like this!