Have you ever thought about wishing to have a cute little beach house, but then decided not to continue on that thought because of being unsure that life on the beach pays off? Well, let me change your mind!
Plenty of us love going to the seaside and therefore rent houses for a couple of days. But, when you have a cute apartment, trust me, you won’t mind staying there during any time of the year! Yes, including winter!
Just take a look at the container home I will be showing you today! Once you see how nice it looks, you’ll never want to visit hotel websites ever again! The only thing you’ll have on your mind is wanting to own a container at the beach! Don’t believe me? Come see it for yourself!
So Bright And Spacious, The Loveliest Welcome

Ta-daa! Are you loving it already? I surely am!
The interior looks so open, spacious, and extremely lively! I know the beach is right out there but I think I’d have quite a hard time leaving this gorgeous inside space!
As soon as we come in, what welcomes us is the living area with the comfy couch and some vivid red colors of the pillows which I absolutely love!
Loving The Red Accents

They match the white walls and wooden furniture so well, nicely balancing each other out!
In the background, we can see the dining area with a wooden island which also serves as a dining table accompanied by the white bar stools. I love the multifunctionality of this island. First we cook there and then we serve! It saves up so much room!
This Looks Like A Pro Restaurant Kitchen

Since we’re at the topic of dining, it’s time to check out the kitchen and, am I the only one who thinks this looks like an amazing chef kitchen?
The knives hung on the white tiles, so easily accessible, and the cooking equipment in the open cabinets above the countertop give me such a strong restaurant kitchen vibe!
I can already imagine making some incredible delicacies! It’s true that I’m no chef but at a place like this, I’m sure the inspiration and the abilities just come naturally!
Bedrooms On The Top Floor Always Feel Like Sweet Getaways

You’ve probably seen the stairs leading up to the second floor on that first interior picture, so worry not, I won’t keep you waiting to see it any longer!
This lovely bedroom area on the second floor feels like a little getaway considering it’s on the second floor unlike any other room! And yet, it’s so nicely connected to the rest of the place because you can see the entirety of downstairs from here!
Oh, and one more very important thing! All your beach reads can be stored in the brown bedside tables so you can bring as many books as you like without any worries!
Time To Enjoy Your Morning Coffee On The Deck

Something everyone loves when it comes to places near the beach is morning coffee. The smell of the sea, the sound of the waves and the sun. All of them combining as you sip some tasty coffee. Does it get any better than that?
And no, if you’re craving all that you don’t have to go to a cafe with a terrace or something! You already have one at this place! Simply choose if you want to relax on the comfy couch or if you’d rather opt for one of the chairs surrounding the white table and enjoy your morning!
Replace The Beach With The Pool When You Want Some Privacy

And now for a little surprise!
I keep talking about a nearby beach but if you’re in the mood for some refreshment in your own private space, just hop in your private pool! Yup, there’s even a pool!
Everything’s Here

This place is truly equipped with everything! From the chef’s kitchen to some private aqua space!
Well, did I manage to change your mind?
Don’t you feel like you could spend the entire summer swimming in the pool and suntanning on the beach, and the entire winter enjoying the cozy space inside the container?
I definitely do! In fact, I’m already choosing which books I would take with me to keep on one of those bedside tables!