I went browsing. I did my Google research, and still nothing much. The creative minds behind the Natural Log Cabins, a popular cabin design company from Michigan, really outdid themselves.
They did such a mystic job around the Keplar Cabin, it only makes me think of that old joke going:
– Do you know how to keep a horse in suspense?
– No… How?
– I’ll tell you tomorrow.
That pretty much sums up this cabin experience since the Michigan team only gave us a couple of photos of the Keplar cabin, making us bite our lips to see more.
That’s how marketing is done on another level!
After checking only a couple of photos they gave us of the Keplar cabin, all I’ve been thinking is that they want us to wish for more.
It All Started With This

You know it’s gonna be a great house when it starts with such construction.
All I can see is wood logs everywhere, guaranteeing one incredible build of high quality.
Trust The Process

Trust the process—it’s the journey that shapes the masterpiece.
Patience today lays the foundation for greatness tomorrow.
The Gorgeous Wood Stain Against The Green Roof

The traditional build of 2156 sq ft features three bedrooms and even a garage. If you ever thought of living in a cabin, this is your opportunity.
The classic log wall exterior along with the green metal roof and porch that goes around the house creates the picture-perfect all-American feel. No matter how many styles we come up with, or how many new designs, tradition will always be a tradition.
The Cabin With Many Views

A great thing about the Keplar cabin is how many windows it has. Meaning, you get lots of natural light inside, and that’s something cabins normally don’t have. Usually, cabins are dark, gloomy, and comfy, but this… This could qualify as a log mansion!
Ultimate Cabin Experience In The Living Room

From what we could find on the Natural Log Cabin’s website, the Keplar cabin has wonderful cathedral ceilings in the main area, the living room. This allows us to visually increase the space and create an impressive open concept.
The living room is a classic woodland-themed beauty with comfy brown sofas and an accent rug that features forest creatures. There aren’t many details in this part of the cabin, but even this what I see is enough, especially the arched gateways between the rooms.
Raw Beauty Even On The Stairs

The biggest feature of these cabins isn’t the capacity, although that’s great too. It’s the raw, natural decor that fits the cabin like a glove.
Instead of using traditional stairs, the team opted for half logs as they went better with the rest of the theme. Seeing all those knobs and irregularly-shaped handrails and banisters, makes me realize what the goal of this cabin is.
It’s to create a homey atmosphere and prove to everyone that beauty can be found outside the common principles.
The Beauty In The Woods

Isn’t Keplar a beauty?
Tucked between all those trees, standing proud with that gorgeous green roof and beautifully stained tree logs on the facade, this cabin is definitely the thing that’s dragging you down, making you ask for more, begging for pieces to put the picture together.
The marketing of this cabin is spectacular. They saved the best for only the chosen ones who were brave enough to move into a home like this!