What’s something we all love when it comes to the Christmas season? It’s Christmas movies of course!
They all have that warm feeling that just adds onto the holiday spirit! No matter what happens in said movies, we can always expect fully decorated houses, all of the red and green details and a bunch of cozy vibes!
Well, why live through the movies when we can have houses just as beautifully decorated too! Take a look at this stunning Christmassy log cabin and you’ll wish to immediately be transported there and for it to be December 25th!
This Living Area Comes Straight From Those Xmas Movies

You can’t tell me you don’t feel like you’re watching some holiday movie right now with how stunningly decorated this cabin is!
But it’s not just the decor that makes this place so cozy, it’s what’s in the background too! The floor-to-ceiling windows which allow so much natural light to enter, the black sofas with patterned pillows and, of course, the wooden walls and wooden beams.
It’s The Crucial

All of them make this place the homey haven that it is. Actually, there’s one more crucial thing that I have not mentioned – the fireplace! Surrounded by the brick stone, the fireplace takes charge both in making the place warmer literally and aesthetically!
But wow, seeing a place this gorgeous be empty feels so wrong! It just has to be filled with people as soon as possible!
Christmas Breakfast Spot

My family has a tradition to sit down together on Christmas morning and have breakfast before our relatives come to visit. Then we open presents.
It’s one of my favorite family traditions and I could absolutely picture us sitting by that tree, watching snow fall down through those giant windows.
There’s So Much Space In This Kitchen

But of course, Christmas isn’t Christmas without some yummy food. Well, maybe not just “some”, more like “tons”!
It depends on your tradition which food you choose to make and bake, as long as there’s enough space for some feast to be made! And in this kitchen? There’s more than enough of it!
Not only is there an L-shaped countertop available but an island too! There can be even more of you cooking! Maybe some can cook meals with meat and veggies, while the others can find all of the needed equipment hidden in the brown cabinets for some post-lunch sweet treats!
The Only Thing Missing From This Dining Area Is Good Company

Let’s be real, these tables are always the most fun ones! They’re always filled with laughter, joy, sometimes even music!
It’s interesting how a simple, long brown dining table changes to a magical place once you surround it with some patterned chairs and decorate with a whole bunch of details!
Yet, it all stays feeling so homey surrounded by the lovely wooden walls and the view of nature seen through the big windows!
Time To Relax On The Lower Floor

We all know what comes after a long and joyous lunch – rest time! The older company may want to have some coffee and cake while relaxing, while the kids go on runs for new adventures!
That’s why I’m sure they’d love the area that hides on the lower floor! There’s tons of space to play around, or to watch some more Christmas movies and cartoons on the flat-screen TV! Whatever the choice is, it would be an excellent one!
Are you already wishing for it to be December 25th and for magic to exist so that you can immediately transport to this log cabin?
I get you! I’m having the same exact thoughts as we’re talking!