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If Grizzly Adams Was Alive Today, He Would Love To Live In This Log Cabin

If Grizzly Adams Was Alive Today, He Would Love To Live In This Log Cabin

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A couple of nights ago, my family was watching TV together, and my partner remembered something I dug way back in the past

A TV show called The Life And Times Of Grizzly Adams. 

I used to love that show when I was a kid! My grandpa and I always watched it together and I have fond memories of our time together. 

He and grandma even took me on a little cabin holiday and we all tried following the lifestyle of our beloved character.

Those times are long gone, but the memory of Grizzly Adam’s small cabin in nature, us watching the show, and imagining I was living far from civilization, will stick with me forever.

I got the same feeling a few days later when I came across a cabin in Cavendish, Vermont. 

I feel like this is the place where modern Grizzly Adams would stay. 

Credits: Airbnb

The Pine Ridge is much bigger than the cabin in the TV show. It doesn’t really look like it either, but I can’t shake those vibes I’m getting from it. 

The cabin is a classic log build with three bedrooms, a spacious deck, and lots of things to do around it.

Credits: Airbnb

The front of it may look normal and almost non-exciting, but the back totally makes up for it. There’s a nice, big deck that goes around the house, providing a view that steals breaths. 

The cabin settles right under a pine ridge which explains the name, and it overlooks Elm Brook. If you come for the view, you’ll get an amazing one!

Credits: Airbnb

The central point of the cabin is the living room focused on the massive stone fireplace and a lovely wooden mantle above it.

The room has such a warm and cozy vibe. You can almost hear the fire crackling and smell the wood burning in the air!

Credits: Airbnb

The complete interior is done in a traditional style, leaving room for minor tweak-ups you’ll see later.

Unlike most cases where log cabins with wood siding have standard ceilings, the Pine Ridge cabin actually has tall ceilings which elevate the room and make it more spacious. 

I’d pick this over a small cabin where my partner is almost as tall as the ceilings any day.

Family areas in this cabin include the living room you already saw and three other spots.
There’s the 100%, all-American style kitchen with wooden cabinets, lots and lots of them…

Credits: Airbnb

This never goes out of style! My mom had it, I used to have it in one of my previous apartments, and I bet my kids will have it too at some point. Classic wooden cabinets will never become tacky.

Credits: Airbnb

Then there’s the formal dining room with a bar on the right and a table that sits six people. Instead of going with six chairs and making the area more crowded, the designer went with a raw, wood piece that serves as a bench. 

How neat!

The last family area is the entertainment room, something Grizzly Adams never had.

Credits: Airbnb

All jokes aside, the entertainment room is always such a lovely addition. People need something to do while they’re stuck inside. And, trust me, fall time in Vermont can bring bad weather that could stop you from exploring the surroundings and tie you to a chair in the cabin.

If it doesn’t tie you to a chair, it will to a bed, that’s for sure, because these beds are so comfy and inviting!

Credits: Airbnb

One of the bedrooms is on the gallery overlooking the living room and it’s my favorite. I don’t care that you don’t get the ideal privacy setting up here. I need to be woken up by that fireplace sizzling with warmth.

Credits: Airbnb

Other bedrooms are nice as well. So, if you don’t make it to call dibs in time, you can settle for this charming hideout with colorful details. 

It’s the experience that this cabin offers that makes me like it so much. I’ve seen all kinds of houses, and I just know a good time is promised in a house when I see one. 

This charming log cabin is all that and much more. It’s a place where you can channel your inner Grizzly Adams and see nature with different eyes.

Brb gotta ask my hubby if we could stay here for the weekend!