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Relive Your Childhood Summer Vacations In This Gorgeous Container House

Relive Your Childhood Summer Vacations In This Gorgeous Container House

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Remember when we were kids and we would count the days until summer vacation? 

Something that reminds me of that time is my grandmother’s house, the sea and the pool with my friends. Just having fun without any care in the world. Life would always seem so full of colors and freshness during summer vacay time.

That’s exactly what this container house reminds me of. A summer vacation!

In front of the place, a lovely pool awaits for you to freshen up, which means we’re halfway there to reliving that old summer vacay vibe! While on the porch, a hammock is ready for you to lay down and relax.

a grill and a brown dining table surrounding it outside
Credits: Priscila Azzini

The outside area of this place is amazing! Aside from the pool and the small table surrounded by chairs and a hammock, it has so much more hiding on the other side!

Is anyone in the mood for some good barbecue? Cause there’s a silver grill excellent for some tasty dinners! And of course, summer dinners are always best outside, so just sit around this brown dining table and enjoy the yummy food!

The Colors Of This Kitchen Will Always Keep Your Spirits High

Isn’t this the most fun kitchen ever? It fits the summer vibes so well!

The maximalism and all of the colors truly bring me back to my childhood and spending time at my grandmother’s place during vacation. She’d always make the warmest meals in a place like this.

My favorite things about this room are the patterned tiles and the red fridge, they add so much life! Although, everything is lively here!

kitchen with textured tiles, red fridge, brown cabinets and shelves, brown round table with chairs around it
Credits: Priscila Azzini

Above the sink, a big window makes it available for you to enjoy the scenery as you wash the dishes and allows for sunshine to come inside. Then again, even if it was gloomy and rainy, being in this colorful kitchen would be fun!

When it’s time to eat, move over to the lovely round table and enjoy the delicious food!

All The Natural Light In This Room Make It The Best Place To Chill At

The living room area has such a light feel, might be thanks to the huge windows which let all of the sunlight inside!

As this entire place reminds me of a summer vacation from school, let me go in a bit more detail and tell you what this specific area brings me back to.

Laying around on comfy places, such as this orange couch and the window seats, and blasting music so loud with my friends. Maybe in the present time we’d blast it on this flat-screen TV!

On the small, round coffee table are the magazines full of our current celeb crushes, and in our hands some yummy ice cream.

living room with an orange couch, tiny round table, flat screen tv, huge windows and a fireplace
Credits: Priscila Azzini

Something I always thought looked super luxurious when I was a kid were those fancy cabinets with alcohol. Whenever I would visit a friend and see that their parents had something like that I would think to myself “Wow, this is like a celebrity house!”

brown cabinet with a couple of open shelves displaying alcohol bottles
Credits: Priscila Azzini

That’s exactly what this home has! A brown cabinet with a couple of open shelves ready to display some of your drinks. On top of it, you can put some fancy glasses and bring up the elegant feel of the place.

Did Someone Mention Sleeping In On A Comfy Bed

What’s one main thing about those old summer vacations that hasn’t been mentioned yet? It’s sleeping in!

Don’t you miss those days before work when school would end and we would have months of being able to sleep as long as we wanted? 

Just imagine being in this room, sprawled out on the comfy bed as the sunlight reaches you. On the small bedside table a Nintendo switch you played until late hours the night before, and the radio you’re about to use to play some music. Ah, good old days!

Maybe we can switch the gaming consoles and the radio with a singular cell phone now, but the vibe is still there!

bedroom with a comfy bed, textured wall and a tiny table with a potted plant
Credits: Priscila Azzini

Once you’re finally up, this gorgeous bathroom awaits.

Whether you’re in the mood for a long relaxing bath or a quick shower that’s gonna wake you up, that’s on you! Cause this white bath is divided from the rest of the room by the glass door, you can choose what you prefer any time!

bathroom with a white bathtub, gray sink and a mirror above it
Credits: Priscila Azzini

This entire place is such a huge throwback to me! 

Remembering all of the fun times from childhood through a really cool house is an amazing idea.

Would you like to relive those times and revisit some memories through a home as gorgeous as this? I’m pretty sure I already know the answer, but do tell me.