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Imagine every government takes good care of its seniors. Whoever goes to retirement and has an unsolved housing question, gets a tiny home to live in. Wouldn’t that be great? Our seniors could live their golden years in their own piece of building, a cozy retreat where no one could bug them. A place they …

Read More about If I Were A Senior Going Into Retirement, I’d Want To Live My Golden Years In This Container House

I will never forget my grandparents. They’re not with us for many years now, but the vivid memories of summers spent with them will stay with me forever.  Grandma was the cuddliest grandma ever, who baked cookies and pies and we all loved her. Grandpa was a wise guy. He didn’t talk a lot, but …

Read More about I Can’t Tell You How Many Wonderful Memories I Get From Looking At This Container Home

As you all may know by now, container houses are extremely popular. And as much as I like their metal exterior, I understand that it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. Some of you might like the concept of shipping container homes but just can’t let go of those sleek and decorative exterior walls. Well, what …

Read More about The Award For The Best Cabin In Disguise Goes To This Amazing Home With A Twist

One thing I want in my forever home is for it to be light enough. The most important thing is, of course, the natural light. But, aside from that, I also want the colors of the home to simply always feel like spring! I love fall and winter time, and I love the moody colors …

Read More about Bright Colors Of This Container House Will Make Sure You Have Spring All Year Round

It’s a common misconception that you can find cool interior designs only in bigger houses.  For some reason, plenty of people assume that a small house equals something we see every single day. Once they pass it by, they don’t even turn around to look at it, but they look at the huge one behind …

Read More about This Tiny Container House Hides Only The Biggest And Coolest Of Features

Ten years ago, having a three-bedroom home with spacious common areas, all made of shipping containers was considered impossible. I don’t know a single designer who wanted to try out their luck with building such houses.  Fortunately, we already live in the future and today, container houses aren’t just an innovation; they’re becoming an affordable …

Read More about If I Won The Lottery, I Wouldn’t Tell Anyone, But A Container House Like This One Would Be A Clue

Doesn’t art make the world go round? We, as humans, are conditioned to feel things and experience all kinds of emotions. And, that’s exactly what art does! It evokes different emotions in us! So, upon seeing this amazing container house, that’s not just rich with art pieces inside of the place, but decorates the exterior …

Read More about Creative Souls, Listen Up, This Unique And Artsy Container House Is Made For You

Once again, a container house stole my heart! I can’t explain to you how much I want one of these babies. Some women collect shoes and bags, I collect house ideas because I know that sometime in the future, I’ll be needing them. All container ideas are super innovative and creative. You basically get a …

Read More about Anthracite Grey Container House Looks Cold And Industrial At First, But Inside It’s Such A Delight

As container homes became popular, we started seeing them much more often, in many places. However, the absolute best locations are the ones in nature, right? The ones surrounded by greenery, where the sun peeks through the trees and brightens up your space. And, where there’s no crowds of people, but only the silent and …

Read More about I Can’t Get Over How Glorious The View From This Modern Container House Is

With overconsumption becoming more and more popular, many homes are now cluttered with things. And I’m not saying that this is bad. I have seen so many maximalist spaces that are absolutely incredible. But sometimes, I really need a home with a minimalist design that I am able to relax and decompress in. That is …

Read More about A Stacked Container Home That Has The Most Innovating Design You Will Ever See