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Find Your Perfect Log Cabin Retreat In The Heart Of Mountain Splendor

Find Your Perfect Log Cabin Retreat In The Heart Of Mountain Splendor

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This cabin is a perfect example of why a picture is worth a thousand words. I mean, take a look! This charming home is literally bathed in the colors of nature.

It looks like something you can only see in movies. A nice, vacation setting perfect for families getting closer together without technology.

What will surely leave you breathless is the stunning palette of autumn colors. Each one is more beautiful than the next.

Tall, colorful trees stand in a row, beneath which emerges a beautiful wooden cabin house. The greatest advantage is the privacy offered by the surrounding trees.

This is the perfect place to escape from the city walls and stifling air and give your family a memorable vacation. Start planning already! Here you have to come with the ideas of how to have the best fun ever!
On this small hilly driveway you can teach your kids how to ride a bike. (or if it’s winter, basic skiing lessons).

View of the house from the other side, with a lot of colorful trees around
Credits: Vrbo

There is no better way to relax and enjoy yourself when you know that no one is watching. 

The jacuzzi is a wonderful addition. Whether it’s winter or summer, you can always relax and escape from everyday life here.

And, when we add to that beautiful nature around you, fresh air and the sound of birds, ahhh, priceless! We all want to be there now!

Jacuzzi on the terrace surrounded with wooden fence
Credits: Vrbo

The Place Where Calmness Reigns

Cozy bed in bedroom near to large window
Credits: Vrbo

I’m a fan of high beds next to the windows. I like natural light, especially when it wakes me up in the morning. I know, I know. A lot of people don’t like it. But if you put some good, dark curtains, you’ll have your zen chamber. 

When we have cozy beds like this and add some pillows and a soft blanket to that, there’s no way you won’t get a good night’s sleep like never before in your life. 

If we hang some white curtains on this steel frame and make it look like baldachin, light a fire in the fireplace and dim the light, we will get a real romantic atmosphere. Every now and then, a little romance never hurt anyone.

Bed with a steel frame and two armchairs in front of it
Credits: Vrbo

Bathrooms Are Infused With Warmth And Elegance Of Gold

Glass shower in the bathroom with a golden frame
Credits: Vrbo

I will always stand up for the importance of details. They give life to the space, and make it more comfortable and warmer.

So, of course, the first thing I noticed here is the small golden details, such as handles, taps, and shower frames. Doesn’t that make this bathroom look inviting to you? And don’t you feel a bit like royalty?

A spacious bathroom with a bath tub and two sinks with a large mirror above them
Credits: Vrbo

Dine In Style In This Modern Wooden Kitchen Oasis

Kitchen made of wood with a large steel fridge and stone board
Credits: Vrbo

This kitchen fits into the natural environment around the house. Made of wood, with huge windows above the sink, it makes you feel like you are outside all the time.

The rustic look of the cabinets with these small round handles gives this kitchen a special charm. We all had very similar kitchens before. 

And, I like the combination of light and dark tiles. The stains are definitely not visible here when we get carried away with cooking.

Hidden washing machine in the kitchen
Credits: Vrbo

A hidden washing machine and a dryer are always a good addition. Unless they are too loud and move around the room during their work.

Six wooden chairs and table located in front of the great stone fireplace
Credits: Vrbo

Just like in movies – a dark, wood dining table and chairs near the huge stone fireplace. It’s the perfect place to sit down and enjoy delicious meals.

To make the charm even greater, you can light the fireplace and chat with a glass of good, old wine.

Welcome To Your Warm Relaxation Space

Cozy U shaped brown sofa in living room
Credits: Vrbo

I like fireplaces. They always remind me of when I was a kid – my fingers would freeze from the cold and then I would then warm them by the fireplace.

Imagine, big snowflakes are falling outside, and you are sitting by the fireplace with your loved ones and playing games. And, after that, you take your hot chocolate and lie down on this cozy sofa, covered with a blanket while watching some family movie. Those are surely priceless memories!

Huge fireplace made of stone in the middle of the room with TV above it, and large brown sofa
Credits: Vrbo

I like houses that tell their own story, especially those in which thousands of memories can be created. 

Whether you like autumn, summer or winter, this house will surely give you the opportunity to create your unforgettable memories here.