Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media and admiring all of the wonderful homes there? I know I do. It’s simply too hard to stray away from scrolling when there’s so many beauties all around the world! The tiny home I’ll be showing you today, located in Tennessee, US, looks just like one …
Olivia Chandler
Have you ever been asked your favorite movie, album or a song by a certain artist, which when you answer with a popular choice, you get looked down on because “everyone knows that”? For some reason, people think that the more mainstream something is, the less it is good. But, I always disagreed with that. …
As container homes became popular, we started seeing them much more often, in many places. However, the absolute best locations are the ones in nature, right? The ones surrounded by greenery, where the sun peeks through the trees and brightens up your space. And, where there’s no crowds of people, but only the silent and …
You know what’s one of my favorite pastimes? Listening to music and getting lost in it. Especially when the music is from a completely different period of time! Sometimes it’s the early 2000s music with all those club hits and sometimes it’s the 70s music with Fleetwood Mac blasting on my phone. Whichever era it …
When I was a student I was very far from having my own place. It was always some dorm that I would share with my roommates, but I very vividly remember which type of house I imagined living in back then. So you can’t imagine my surprise when I found a tiny home which looks …
We’ve all read some fairytales as kids. It’s in fairytales where we see the most magical of things, not just magical creatures but locations as well! But have you ever seen a fairytale house pop up in real life? I don’t know if I can believe in the kind of magic where storybook things suddenly …
As kids, we’d often say how we would like to live in all kinds of houses. Girls would maybe opt for a barbie house with everything pink, while the boys would choose something like a car house. All of that later on starts to seem silly. Those houses are not regular, we don’t really see …
My favorite thing to do during winter weekends is to make some hot coffee or hot cocoa and watch skiing. It has always been my favorite sport! And all my fellow winter lovers will agree that the only thing better than watching skiing is skiing yourself! Now imagine living inside of a gorgeous house that’s …
What’s something that makes everyone happy, starting from young kids to grown adults? It’s colors! Unique shapes and colorful details simply have that something that scratches our brain so well and raises our serotonin levels! How amazing would it be to be surrounded by the colorful, artsy decor all the time? Well, that’s possible in …
As I’m writing this, the temperatures are super high. The only thing I can think of is spending some time away in a cabin by the sea. Already hot weather is even worse in the cities. Large crowds of people, hot asphalt and the constant sounds and lights. Doesn’t really sound like an ideal summer …