Do you know those stunning houses you see when watching holiday movies? Such huge and beautiful homes which seem almost unreal with all of the luxury they hold. There’s just always so many parts to them and so many decorations, lights, everything just seems like it’s a total green screen! Well, that’s not the case! …
Olivia Chandler
Most of us have thought about what it would be like to live in a treehouse at least at one point in our lives. For some it was only during their childhood, whereas for others, that thought continued into their adulthood. I’m definitely the latter type and I keep looking at all of the adorable …
This shipping container home feels like a present. Let me explain why. Do you know that feeling when you wake up on Christmas morning or your birthday and all of your gifts are wrapped? What you see outside is a regular paper but what awaits inside are some amazing gifts from the people closest to …
The other day I was on a walk and was listening to some random Spotify playlist fitting for “walking in nature” and it made me daydream. What I daydreamed about was having a cozy home somewhere in the woods or on the big, open green land and being able to walk through nature instead of …
Going to botanical gardens is great, I always love visiting places like that. But what do you say about making things go the other way around? Such as bringing the gardens to your home. It sounds crazy but it’s possible! Take a look at the house I’m about to show you right now! With its …
How long has it been since you’ve been to a treehouse? No, they’re not a thing of the past or childhood! Why leave something as fun as a treehouse to be only something that was a fun past time when we were kids! When, you could come to one, such as this beauty in Vashon …
Living by any stream of water is just the best, isn’t it? Visiting the sea to this day makes me feel as excited as when I was a little kid! I can’t even imagine how cool it must be to live by the sea, a river, or a lake, anything really! It’s all super cool! …
You know what sounds really good right now? A nice time away in some peaceful area, preferably in a pretty cabin. Even better if it’s big enough to invite a group of friends. Do you agree with me? I’m sure you do, and in that case I actually have the best place for that! Take …
Something I love seeing in houses are nooks. Those small, cozy places meant purely for relaxing, feeling warm and comfy. Imagine an entire home being a “nook home”! That would make all of the rooms feel as if they’re cozy, hidden getaways. Doesn’t that sound like a dream? I would have books everywhere just waiting …
Have you ever looked at a house and thought “Why does it always have to be square or rectangular?” Round houses break the mold – both literally and figuratively! They carry a unique charm, standing out in a world dominated by sharp angles and conventional design. These circular dwellings don’t just catch the eye; they …