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Mia Bennett

The moment I spot a unique home, I can’t help but drop everything and give it my full attention. So, you can imagine my excitement when I discovered someone had converted an old World War Two train car into a livable home. It’s such a fascinating blend of history and creativity that I don’t want …

Read More about Somebody Turned A World War Two Train Into A Home And It’s The Coolest Thing Ever

If you’ve ever watched those classic Hollywood movies, chances are that you’ve admired the stunning, timeless homes that came up on the screen. Ever wondered what style those elegant homes were, hoping to one day find or create one just like it? Well, wonder no more since I’m about to let you in on the …

Read More about Step Inside This Mid-Century Modern Home That Will Transport You Straight Into A Classic Hollywood Movie

Have you ever read those magical fairy tales and imagined yourself in one of those incredible homes hidden deep in an enchanted forest? Picture this: a charming little cottage with curved stone walls and a whimsical roof topped with adorable windows. The warm, comforting smell of a yummy stew cooking on the stove invites you …

Read More about This Storybook Cabin Is Guaranteed To Be The Most Magical Place You Will Ever See

I’m pretty sure we have well-established that you can’t go wrong with a container home. Whether you want to make a spectacular home or just a minimalistic weekend getaway, a shipping container can deliver both. And let’s not forget that it is just a fraction of the price of a traditional home! If you’re new …

Read More about Minimalistic Container Home That Will Have You Shocked With All Its Functional Features

Talking to my friend the other day, I found out that he no longer sees the appeal in his big home. He said that he doesn’t like the fact that he has to walk all the way to the other side of his house just to get something he needs. He also has issues when …

Read More about Downsizing To This Incredibly Functional Tiny Home Could Be The Best Decision You Will Ever Make

I firmly believe that art is all around us. From lingering in our morning coffee to being a part of those meaningful conversations with our loved ones, its ever-present nature brings beauty to our world without us even noticing. Another aspect of art, that we often tend to forget, is actually our home! The second …

Read More about 7 Architectural Homes Which Prove That Living Spaces Can Be Art Too

This summer feels like it’s the hottest one yet. And as much as I love those sunny days when I can drink cold drinks, eat ice cream, and have a fun barbecue with my loved ones, staying cool isn’t that easy. I mean, sure, you can turn on the AC, but that doesn’t really do …

Read More about Beat The Summer Heat In This Incredible And Futuristic Two Pool Mansion

I think we have to be honest and admit to each other that our planet isn’t doing so great. With the big problem that is overconsumption, a lot of the Earth’s surface is covered in trash. This not only harms our planet but also puts our health in grave danger. Luckily, many have come up …

Read More about Man Builds Tiny Tree House From Reclaimed Materials And It’s The Coolest Thing Ever

The fresh air in the morning, the serene nature, the chirping of the birds – you might think I am describing heaven, but no, this is just life in a country home. Now, when I say a country home, you may imagine that classic, cabin-looking one with some chickens running around your backyard. But what …

Read More about A Luxurious Country Retreat With Modern Design That Is The Best Of Both Worlds

Camping by the lake was one of my absolute favorite memories as a kid. Spending the whole day by the water, feeling the warmth of the sun, and waking up to those crisp, fresh mornings filled me with pure joy every time. You can imagine how sad I would become when it was time to …

Read More about Bring All Your Loved Ones Together At This Cozy Lakeside Mansion With The Coolest Basement