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I Can’t Tell You How Many Wonderful Memories I Get From Looking At This Container Home

I Can’t Tell You How Many Wonderful Memories I Get From Looking At This Container Home

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I will never forget my grandparents. They’re not with us for many years now, but the vivid memories of summers spent with them will stay with me forever. 

Grandma was the cuddliest grandma ever, who baked cookies and pies and we all loved her.

Grandpa was a wise guy. He didn’t talk a lot, but his eyes, his movements, and his actions spoke for him.

They were the best.

And they lived in a tiny place upstate Florida, in their little home overswamped with flowers and plants. I loved it there so much that I used to say I’m from Florida when I was a kid and the other kids believed me. 

When I saw this tiny container home, it instantly brought me back to my childhood. Grandma and Grandpa didn’t have a container. They had a traditional house, but the vibes inside and the energy I get from looking at this house are almost identical it’s getting a bit scary.

A Place From My Memories

When they say Oh, that’s the house at the end of the road, they must be thinking of this house:

Credits: Priscila Azzini

This tiny place of 645 sq ft welcomes you from the moment you step foot on its lane. It’s a pretty minimalistic house from the outside, with classic white corrugated walls of the container, and a lovely entry in glass and wooden doors. 

Now, if there were white French doors as well as windows, and lots of roses around the path that leads into the house, this would be my grandma’s house. The tree is even in the same spot, a magnolia if I recall.

But, it’s not really the outside that brought me back to my childhood. It’s the interior that takes my breath away.

Credits: Priscila Azzini

All I’m missing in this picture is Grandpa flipping through TV channels and Grandma setting the table for lunch. I tell you, it’s scary how much it reminds me of their home. The instant homey atmosphere is here. The warmth around my heart too as I look at the traditional wooden cabinets in the kitchen.

This place just whispers home as it unravels before your eye and lures you inside for hot tea and cookies.

Credits: Priscila Azzini

The kitchen, a bit modernized, was the heart of our little home and it’s definitely the heart of this home too. Using light wood elements was a great decision because they visually increased the space in an already small container.

However, my favorite part is the dining room area where the entire family gets together.

Credits: Priscila Azzini

It’s traditional, classic, and homey, without traces of modernism that seems to show as cold and pretentious.

A House That Is A Home

Something that resembles my Grandma’s house the least is the living room. This one is modern and quite lovely. Her living room had a floral couch with a nylon cover on it. We all hated it. LOL!

Credits: Priscila Azzini

Grandma didn’t like the modern style. But I bet she would’ve loved the combination of grey and yellow. She was all about happy colors as she used to call them.

The container we’re checking out today has two bedrooms in the back and two bathrooms. For only 645 s ft, that’s quite a lot of rooms.

The first bedroom is full of such happy colors!

Credits: Priscila Azzini

It’s a lovely blush haven with a traditional wooden frame bed.

The second bedroom doesn’t fall far behind either!

Credits: Priscila Azzini

They’re so simple and effective. What else do you need from a bedroom than a comfy bed to crash in and natural light to wake you up in the morning?

Credits: Priscila Azzini

The two bathrooms are almost identical in style. I’m such a huge fan of this sink and vanity combination. It’s something I have back home and I can’t get enough of the sink flat with the vanity. It’s such a game-changer than other sinks. 

Of course, my grandparents’ house wasn’t this modern. But, the layout, the kitchen and dining room part, as well as the exterior reminds me so much of them. 

If this house brought back so many memories, I’m sure it will help someone else create their own memories.