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I Can’t Get Over How Glorious The View From This Modern Container House Is

I Can’t Get Over How Glorious The View From This Modern Container House Is

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As container homes became popular, we started seeing them much more often, in many places. However, the absolute best locations are the ones in nature, right?

The ones surrounded by greenery, where the sun peeks through the trees and brightens up your space. And, where there’s no crowds of people, but only the silent and cozy area, allowing you to relax and enjoy the solitude.

Well, on my search for some of the most wonderful containers in nature, I found the one with a view that’s insanely gorgeous! Not a single villa worth millions of dollars, could compare to the scenery you see from this home!

Come inside with me and let’s check it out!

Let’s Play A Round Of Chess On This Super Cool Glass Table

I just love interiors like this! Urban ones with mixtures of modern and industrial! The brick wall connecting the two green walls of the container and the obvious wooden ceiling add the industrial vibe, while the decor makes sure the place is super modern!

Something that’s always fun to see is a modern type of interior in a very natural setting. They’re complete opposites and I’m a stern believer of the saying “opposites attract”!

black couch, blue sofas, glass table on wheels in the living room of a container home
Credits: Priscila Azzini

I’d love chilling on that black couch and relaxing, maybe while drinking some hot, black coffee and enjoying the view! Oh, you haven’t seen the view yet? I’m sure you’re getting more and more intrigued!

It would be even better if there was company! There’s space not only on the black couch but on the blue sofas as well, so we could have a nice chat while sipping on some coffee!

Something super unique that I’m spying is the glass table on wheels! Not only does it look very cool but considering it’s on wheels it’s quite practical as well! You can move it around based on your preference!

However, finally, something you’ve been waiting to see:

view of the living room and the outdoors scenery with a floor to ceiling window with the view of the river and trees
Credits: Priscila Azzini

.. the spectacular view!

Can you believe there’s a whole view of the river right in front of you?

The floor-to-ceiling window provides you with the full view of the outdoors scenery! There’s no need for TV in this household with this being in front! And aside from the view, the huge window allows so much natural light to get inside as well! 

I’m sure you’re noticing we have moved away from the living area to see this spectacular scene, yup we’re in the kitchen! Let’s take a look at her as well, shall we?

How Are You Decorating The Shelves On The Brick Wall

Over in the cooking room, the black cabinets continue adding the modern chic inside of the place and making it seem even cooler than it already is thanks to its surroundings!

Something I’m loving are the unique shelves on the brick wall! You can choose between using them to decorate the space even more or for putting some ingredients which would make your cooking much faster! Or, of course, you can mix it up just like in the photo below!

kitchen with black cabinets and unique shelves on the brick wall and white countertops
Credits: Priscila Azzini

On the opposite side of the kitchen is a lovely dining area.

Considering the dining, cooking and living areas are all a part of the same open-concept space, you’ll be able to enjoy the lovely views while dining as well, while the food is brightened by the natural light! 

But, in case it’s the evening and there’s not as much light coming from the big window, the lamp above the brown dining table will do the job just as well!

brown dining table and a lamp next to a brick wall
Credits: Priscila Azzini

Choose Between The Bedroom With The View Or The Fashionista Bedroom

As we move into the first of the two bedrooms, something amazing follows us. It’s the floor-to-ceiling window with the view of the river!

While there is a flat-screen TV opposite the bed, perfect for some movie binging before sleep, I highly doubt it’d be used much during the day!

bedroom with a bed, bedside table, flat screen tv opposite the bed and a floor to ceiling window with a view of the river and trees
Credits: Priscila Azzini

In the corner of the room, a mini area with a blue chair and a lamp sits, perfect for getting cozy with a book or playing some games on the laptop. It’s like a corner meant purely for relaxation. I’d love to sit here in the mornings and write in my journal while enjoying the outside scenery.

blue chair and a lamp in the corner of the bedroom
Credits: Priscila Azzini

Now I know what you’re thinking “What could await in the second bedroom to choose it over this beauty?” Well, I feel like the fashionistas would love the second one a lot!

Its closet is half open with hanging clothes being out and about, while the beige cabinet drawers make sure your other necessities are hidden inside. This way, choosing your outfits will be even more fun! It would be like strolling through a mall!

bedroom with a bed, bedside table, closet that's half open and half drawers
Credits: Priscila Azzini

Don’t you think this place is kind of like a dream? 

A scenery like that right in front of the house is an extremely rare find! And this interior? Definitely not something to be ignored either! It’s the perfect amount of modern!

In fact, each room and area of the place is stunning! So, my question for you is, which bedroom of the two would you choose? The one where you’ll feel like the current top fashionista or the one with the glorious views?