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The Modern House You Daydream Of Is Real And Its Interior Is Even Fancier Than You’d Expect

The Modern House You Daydream Of Is Real And Its Interior Is Even Fancier Than You’d Expect

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I’ve always been a dreamer. Whether it is regular daydreaming or reading some books then getting lost in them, it doesn’t matter, the dreams are there!

And of course, as everyone’s does, my dreams sometimes consist of fancy things. Travels, clothes, houses. Actually, modern houses should be first on that list, I simply love them!

I’m sure plenty of you also dream of those big, luxurious homes as well! That’s why I found one of the coolest houses I’ve ever seen to introduce you to!

This absolute beauty from Los Angeles, CA, US will surely make you feel as if you’re in a daydream, but nope, it’s actually real!

Two Living Rooms For Two Different Hangout Vibes

Upon entering this beautiful place, you are met with some gorgeous views!

Floor-to-ceiling windows allow you to admire the city of LA all day long! Just imagine all of the city lights at night time! I’d probably have trouble sleeping because I’d just be looking at the stunning views all the time!

Aside from the beautiful views, the room consists of a bar and a living area. Quite often home bars will be separate from comfy spaces, so I’m loving this combination! You can get some drinks and then relax with some company on the big couch!

entry area of a modern house with a bar on the right, couches and a table on the left and floor to ceiling windows
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

One more thing that awaits right at the entrance and is in an open concept space with these two is the dining area.

Long, white dining table accompanied by some light pink chairs is already ready for some fancy food. How about some seafood? Maybe sushi? Oh, I’m craving sushi right now!

big, white dining table and light pink chairs
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

On the other side of the wall is another living room which I would say gives off a bit more of a cozy vibe than the first one.

With three white couches facing a flat-screen TV, it seems like an amazing place to hang out with some friends and binge some movies! Fancy places don’t always need fancy gatherings, sometimes a good movie and some popcorn are just enough!

living room with white couches and a flat screen tv
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

But, whether we are planning a fancy event with sushi, or a chill hangout with popcorn and pizza, we need a kitchen, right?

Well, good thing this gorgeous cooking room sits right next to the cozy living area!

With enough space on the brown countertops, just grab all of the amenities from the brown cabinets and get to cooking whatever is on the menu that day!

kitchen with brown countertops, gray chairs and brown cabinets
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

This Bedroom Looks Like A Villa On Its Own

Have you ever seen a bigger bedroom? I’ve seen plenty of houses but this one is definitely one of the biggest ones, it’s surely in the top 3!

Aside from the big bed surrounded by the beautiful lamps, it also holds a couch and sofas! If you have your best friends over you can easily get coffee here! It feels like a whole separate living room is a part of this place! I’m loving it!

bedroom with a big bed, chairs and a couch
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

But what really made me go speechless is the walk-in closet.

You know those super fancy stores with clothes so expensive that you even get scared of going inside because “Only superstars shop here!”? 

Well, that’s exactly what this closet reminds me of. A big place with glass doors and enough space not just for clothes but also for bags, shoes and jewelry! The crazy thing? There’s two walk-in closets like that that this room has!

walk in closet with white cabinets and glass doors
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

It’s not just the primary room of this place that’s luxurious like that though!

Take a look at another bedroom which has its own patio! You can wake up in the morning and go get some fresh air right away! Some hot coffee on a chilly morning would be amazing too, right?

bedroom with its own patio and beautiful views
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

This Unique Wine Cellar Holds 1050 Bottles Of Wine

The coolest room of all, in my opinion, is the wine cellar!

Did you even guess this is a wine cellar after seeing the photo? I’ll be honest, I didn’t! It took me a second to realize those are all wine bottles on the walls! Maybe because the room holds 1050 bottles so they simply blend into the wall! And yes, you’ve heard right, 1050 bottles of wine!

wine cellar with 1050 bottles and a beautiful murano glass chandelier
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

But, interestingly, it’s not even just the bottles that make this room so special! It’s the chandelier!

The murano glass chandelier takes the cake for one of the prettiest chandeliers I’ve seen in my entire life! I wish I had this in my own home! 

Want to hear a fun fact about this chandelier? It’s modeled after a dress that the former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis once wore!

vodka cellar with white led lights, vodka bottles, glasses and jackets
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

Aside from a wine cellar, something that’s seen less often but of course this house has is a vodka cellar!

A very cold room with some white LED lights, bottles of vodka, fancy glasses and of course jackets is hidden behind the beautiful wine cellar!

A Home Spa Just Screams Luxury

A gym and spa area is always needed in a place like this. Why get a gym membership when you can just go on the lower floor of your home and workout? 

Hm, maybe I’d also workout more if I had my own gym!

Do you want to take a spin class? Or maybe try out some other gym machines? It’s all possible! And, it’s also fun considering all of the flat-screen TVs on top! Imagine catching up on your favorite show while doing your daily workout!

private gym of a modern house with flat screen tvs
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

The thing I was not expecting, however, is the rock climbing wall! I’ve always wanted to try rock climbing, and if I had this in my own home, I’m pretty sure it’d become a part of my daily routine!

Right next to the gym is a little hot tub and after we pass that we come to the steam room! The spa experience is real, and it just gets realer! You know why?

steam room with gray walls
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

Because from the steam room, you can enter the massage room! The candles all over the walls just add to the experience that much more! 

massage room with candles in the walls
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

The outside area of the house is no less mind blowing than the inside.

Imagine going to the pool, swimming around, and once you decide to get on the deck chairs and suntan a little, turning on the 23ft TV that comes right in front! Well with this house there’s no need to just imagine!

The TV also has a windometer which means that once it senses a bigger amount of wind, it automatically lowers itself!

pool, deck chairs and a huge tv screen next to the pool
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

Now I know we have already covered the fact that there’s tons of inside space of this lovely house but the outdoors area is also not to be ignored!

Then again, once you see this big dinosaur, well, its bones, I think that says enough on if this area is to be ignored or not!

I can already imagine the fun hangouts that would happen at this place! Big groups of people sitting on these beige couches next to the fire table, some up-tempo music playing in the background and, of course, loud laughter!

outside area of the house with couches, chairs, fire table and a dinosaur skeleton
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

Get ready everyone cause I saved the best for last!

The garage you see isn’t your usual garage space! It actually has a bar, tons of seating areas, such as these round pink chairs, the most beautiful chandeliers and moving parking spaces!

Let me explain the moving parking part! 

Many cars can fit into this special garage, and, once you place the car on a certain spot you can raise it up so that it comes up to the garage on the entryway of the house and drive away with it easily!

Pretty cool, right?

garage with pink chairs, marble table and a lot of parking space
Credits: Enes Yilmazer

Well, isn’t this a dream? 

With so many cool features both inside and outside of the house, it definitely is mine! 

Can you find yourself daydreaming about this modern house as well?