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The Rustic Charmer, The Clear Fork Log Home, Will Make You Wanna Sell Everything And Move To The Wild 

The Rustic Charmer, The Clear Fork Log Home, Will Make You Wanna Sell Everything And Move To The Wild 

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Wake up your inner Grizzly Adams while checking out this log home!

The Clear Fork log home located in Kentucky will wake up all your hidden wilderness and make you wanna check it out in person. 

Although it’s tucked away in Kentucky’s wilderness, the plan of this home can also be yours if you’re yearning to channel your inner adventurist. The log house was done by Hochstetler Milling, a company focused on building charming, rustical, yet practical homes all over the States.

Contact them if you want a haven like the Clear Fork, and I’ll do my best to show you why you need this exact home. Trust me, my husband has gone nuts about it and now I have to figure out a reason why we don’t need one just to focus on my tiny container home dream, tee-hee. 

Okay, so… even from the outside this log house looks promising. 

What do I see?

I see a lovely, three-bedroom and three-bathroom house categorized as a log home, but totally belonging in the category of mansions. This place is truly impressive and spacious, something you don’t usually see with log cabins.

What can I say? I guess cabins have gone out and about, updating and improving their appearances.

This one even has a garage! 

The layout is done perfectly, allowing you to create areas in the house, so you have your bedrooms separated from the rest of the house, even on the ground floor. 

I love the exterior combination of the orange-tinted wood and the pretty shade of forest green. I bet it looks equally beautiful inside too!

And yes, it is beautiful!

This rustic charmer has exposed wood beams all around the house with log planks on the wall, hardwood floors, and log staircases too. Almost makes you believe you’re Alice in Woodland!

The main area is the living room in the back, overlooking the deck and the backyard. It’s a cozy sitting place with comfy, cloud-like sofas, and an absolute beauty – the stone fireplace.

Just think of it: every stone on this fireplace was put there manually. It’s such a gorgeous piece of artwork, a place where the entire family gathers. And now I totally understand why my husband wants this house!

Okay, the kitchen is right up my alley and I have to admit: I’d like something similar one day too, in terms of space and layout. 

This house is all about wood, and of course, the kitchen had to have wood cabinets. To make it a bit modern and not completely rustic (we won’t be cooking on an open fire, right?), the designer team had contemporary, stainless steel appliances installed. And I think that’s beautiful.

What else is beautiful is this in-ground swimming pool and the garden area. The owners of this house decided they wanted a pool too, a nice, secluded area to refresh. I wouldn’t mind dipping my toes into this pool while I’m surrounded by such divine, pristine nature!

Unfortunately, the company allowed us to see only a couple of photos of the interior. I’m a bit sad, but still grateful I got to see at least a glimpse of what the inside looks like. 

For my husband, this was enough to keep on raving about how he always wanted a house like this one.

Do you think I’ll win our evergreen battle of where should we move? I’ve always wanted a compact container home, and he’s a true manly man with his rustic log homes. 

What would you choose? Would you fall for such a rustic beauty like The Clear Fork?